Forking my own repository.


Over the past weekend, Andy and I setup the Data Science Challenges repository on Github. The intention is to have this repository host the challenges organized in their own respective folders and using Markdown for the content. We would update the repository as we came up with more challenges. Anyone could follow along by forking the repo and working on their forked repo. They could get the latest updates by pulling the master repo.

With the master repository being my own, I couldn’t follow the conventional method of forking the repository. I had to find another way. This post details how I went about it.


Following along this Fork Your Own Github Repository Article, I created a new repository with a remote reference to the original master repository.

  1. Create a new repository on Github (ds_challenges)

  2. Clone the new repository

    git clone

  3. Add a reference to the original repository

    cd ds_challenges/
    git remote add upstream


  4. Pull content from the original repository to the new repository

    git pull upstream master

  5. Push content to the new repository

    git push origin master

And voila! Now my DS Challenges repository was tracking the master repository.

In the future as we add more challenges to the master repository, I can update my new repository by:

git pull upstream master

Such a brilliant solution and I really give kudos to the author of the article that I followed, Mike Zrimesk. Hopefully my article can in turn help someone else who faces a similar issue.